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python shell


Welcome to the API documentation! You can use our API to detect, match, identify and validate faces.


To authorize, use this code:

import requests

headers = {

r =,headers=headers)
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H "x-api-key: Truefaceai-api-key"

Make sure to replace Truefaceai-api-key with your API key. uses API keys to allow access. You can register a new API key at our developer portal. expects the API key to be included in all requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

x-api-key: your_api_key


Preforming 1:1 Matching

To perform a 1:1 matching operation (check if any faces in an image match an enrolled profile), you need to:

  1. Create s profile with POST /enroll

  2. Call POST /match with the id of the enrollment along with the image you’d like to check in base64 encoded format

The default threshold is 0.4 (scores over 99.2% on the LFW). To increase the matching threshold simply pass a “threshold” param.

Preforming 1:n Identification

To preform 1:n identification (identify faces in an image), you need to:

  1. Create a collection with POST /collection

  2. Create profiles with /enroll passing the collection id from above, if the profiles are already enrolled then you can use PUT /collection to update the collection with the enrollment)

  3. Call /train with the collection id to train the collection classifier

  4. Call /identify with the collection_id and the image you’d like to preform identify on, and you’ll get the names and ids of identified profiles!

Spoof Detection

Check if an image is a spoof attempt

import requests

headers = {


url = ""

r  =,data=open('/Users/nezare/Pictures/test_images/fake_1.jpg','rb').read(),headers=headers)

print r.json()
curl -X POST -H "x-api-key: Truefaceai-api-key" -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" --data-binary "@fake_1.jpg" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "class": "fake",
    "key": "ahBzfmNodWlzcGRldGVjdG9ychULEghTbmFwc2hvdBiAgICAgtCJCgw",
    "score": 0.57887299999999997,
    "success": true
  "message": "data processed successfully",
  "success": true

This endpoint checks if an image is a spoof attempt.

HTTP Request


Binary Payload

Include the binary file in the body of your request.

Make sure to include an image/jpeg or image/png Content-Type header when posting a binary payload.

JSON Payload

The API accepts JSON payloads as well, include “img” in the json payload as a base64 encoded string.

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
img true base64 encoded string

Face Detection

Detect faces in an image

import requests

headers = {


url = ""

r  =,data=open('/Users/nezare/Pictures/test_images/reat_1.jpg','rb').read(),headers=headers)

print r.json()
curl -X POST -H "x-api-key: chui-api-key" -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" --data-binary "@real_1.jpg" ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "faces": [
        "bounding_box": [
        "points": [
  "message": "face processed successfully",
  "success": true

Detect faces in an image

HTTP Request


Binary Payload

Include the binary file in the body of your request.

Make sure to include an image/jpeg or image/png Content-Type header when posting a binary payload.

JSON Payload

The API accepts JSON payloads as well, include “img” in the json payload as a base64 encoded string.

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
img true base64 encoded string


The response includes the pixel locations of the bounding boxes for all faces detected in an image, the last value in the bounding box array is the confidence cofficient. The face detect endpoint also returns five main facial landmarks that include left eye, right eye, nose, left mouth corner, and right mouth corner.

Raw Face Landmarks

The face detection endpoint supports returning 68 face landmarks. To get the raw landmarks, include a “rawlandmark=true” url param to the face detect url.



Face Recognition


import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {


url = ""

data = {
  "name":"John Doe"

r  =,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "enrollment processed successfully",
    "data": {
        "enrollment_id": "your_enrollment_id"
    "success": true

HTTP Request


This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

To enforce good training, we recommend a minimum of 3 pictures to enroll someone.

Include the enrollment pictures as base64 strings as -> img0,img1,img2….img(N) –> (maximum 10 images for the intial enrollment, you can add images to a profile for more training with the update endpoing below)

Collection ID

You can add a profile to a collection by simply including the collection id as “collection_id” in the json payload

JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
img(0-n) true base64 encoded string
name false string
collection_id false string


The response includes the profile id which you can use in subsequent matching operations and to update the profile with more training pictures.

Update Enrollment

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {


r  = requests.put(url,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "enrollment updated successfully",
    "data": {
        "enrollment_id": "your_enrollment_id"
    "success": true

This endpoint allows you to update a profile with more training pictures to improve accuracy.

HTTP Request


This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
img(0-n) true base64 encoded string
enrollment_id true string

Delete Enrollment

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {

r  = requests.delete(url,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": "Enrollment *your_enrollment_id* has been deleted",
    "message": null,
    "success": true

This endpoint allows you to delete an enrolled profile.

HTTP Request


This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
enrollment_id true string


The response looks as follows

Create a Collection

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {

r  =,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.content
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": {
        "collection_id": "your_collection_id"
    "message": "collection created successfully",
    "success": true

This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

To perform indentification you need to group profiles in collections. To create a collection simply post the name of the collection and save the returned id for later use.

HTTP Request


JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
name true string
unknowns optional boolean

Unknown Class

If unknowns is set to true, a class with dynamic dynamic sample size added to each classifier to help it filter out unknowns and reduce false positives. Can be in conjunction with the confidence rate.


The response includes the collection id, make sure you save this id to be able to perform identification on your collection.

Update a Collection

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {

r  = requests.put(url,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "collection updated successfully",
    "data": {
        "collection_id": "your_collection_id"
    "success": true

To update a collection with an enrollment, make a put request to the collection endpoint with the collection id and the profile you’d like to add.

A classifier is created for each collection and is retrained every time the collection is updated. Please allow for up to 30 seconds after updating your collection for the collection classifier to reflect the changes.

JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
enrollment_id true string
collection_id true string

HTTP Request



The response includes the collection id, make sure you save this id to be able to perform identification on your collection.

Delete a Collection

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {

r  = requests.delete(url,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.content
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": "Entity *your_collection_id* has been deleted",
    "message": null,
    "success": true

This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

To delete a collection, just send a collection_id to the delete endpoint.

HTTP Request


JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
collection_id true string


The response looks as follows

Train a Collection Classifier

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {

r  =,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": {
        "collection_id": "your_collection_id"
    "message": "retraining the classifier",
    "success": true

After updating a collection you need to trigger a training of the classifier before its ready for use in identify requests.

HTTP Request


JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
collection_id_ true string


A success message will indicate the classifier is in training for the collection.

Get a list of your Collections

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {


url = ""

r  = requests.get(url,headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": [
                          "classifier_url": "",
                          "created": "2017-08-19T00:13:24.971650",
                          "enrollments": [
                          "id": "ahBzfmNodWlzcGRldGVjdG9ychcLEgpDb2xsZWN0aW9uGICAgMCluLELDA",
                          "label_encoder": "",
                          "name": "Home",
                          "owner": "",
                          "unknown": true,
                          "updated": "2017-08-20T00:58:16.616790"

To get a list of your collections, simply make a get request to /collection

HTTP Request



The response includeds the enrollment ids in the collection.

Face Match

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {


url = ""

data = {

r  =,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "face processed successfully",
    "data": {
        "emb2_match": true,
        "emb0_score": 0.9071727430549092,
        "emb2_score": 0.8963609236288711,
        "emb1_score": 0.8896829534022603,
        "emb1_match": true,
        "emb0_match": true
    "success": true


HTTP Request


This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

The face match endpoint is used to match a face to a profile on the system. Send a picture of the face along with id of the person you’d like to match.

The endpoint will attempt to match the generated embedding against every embedding stored for the profile. Return the score and result for every embedding for that profile.

You can supply the threshold to be used. If no threshold is supplied, the api will default to a threshold of 0.5.

JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
img true base64 encoded string
id true string
threshold false float

Face Identify

import requests
import base64
import json

headers = {

url = ""

data = {

r  =,data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)

print r.json()
No Curl Example for this endpoint, check python.

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "identify processed successfully",
    "data": {
        "name": "name-if-exists",
        "key": "id-of-identified-person"
    "success": true

HTTP Request


This endpoint only accepts a json payload.

Identify preforms 1:N classification while also measuring the probablity of an unknown.

To use this endpoint send the image as a base64 encoded string along with the collection id you’d like to compare the image to.

JSON Payload

Make sure to include an application/json Content-Type header when posting a json payload.

Parameter Required Description
img true base64 encoded string
collection_id true string


The Chui API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified kitten could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The kitten requested has been removed from our servers
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.